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Home page | TAH partonomy |
Top level | digestive system Short Extended |
Current level | liver Short |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
Non Latin primary language |
Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
7197 | 2658 | tax |
15729 | 2659 | tax |
diaphragmatic face of liver
facies diaphragmatica hepatis
14475 | 2660 | tax |
superior part of diaphragmatic face of liver
pars superior faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
76678 | 2661 | tax |
cardiac impression of diaphragmatic face of liver
impressio cardiaca faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14476 | 2662 | tax |
anterior part of diaphragmatic face of liver
pars anterior faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14477 | 2663 | tax |
right part of diaphragmatic face of liver
pars dextra faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14478 | 2664 | tax |
posterior part of diaphragmatic face of liver
pars posterior faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14480 | 2665 | tax |
nude area of diaphragmatic face of liver
area nuda faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14492 | 2666 | tax |
groove for inferior vena cava
sulcus venae cavae inferioris
14491 | 2667 | tax |
fissure for ligamentum venosum
fissura ligamenti venosi
14080 | 2668 | tax | ||||
14479 | 2669 | tax |
visceral face of liver
facies visceralis hepatis
11139↓ | tax |
right sagittal fissure
fissura sagittalis dextra
14492 | 2666 | tax | ||||
9878 | 4426↓ | tax | ||||
14494 | 2670 | tax |
fossa for gallbladder
fossa vesicae biliaris ; fossa vesicae felleae
11141↓ | tax |
left sagittal fissure
fissura sagittalis sinistra
75115 | 2671 | tax |
fissure for ligamentum teres; fissure for round ligament
fissura ligamenti teretis hepatis
14079 | 2672 | tax | ||||
14491 | 2667 | tax | ||||
15758 | 2673 | tax |
porta hepatis
porta hepatis
15735 | 2674 | tax |
omental tuber
tuber omentale
14486 | 2675 | tax |
oesophageal impression ▲
impressio oesophagea
14487 | 2676 | tax |
gastric impression
impressio gastrica
14485 | 2677 | tax |
duodenal impression
impressio duodenalis
14484 | 2678 | tax |
colic impression
impressio colica
14488 | 2679 | tax |
renal impression
impressio renalis
14489 | 2680 | tax |
suprarenal impression
impressio suprarenalis
14482 | 2681 | tax |
inferior border of liver
margo inferior hepatis
14493 | 2682 | tax |
notch of round ligament of liver
incisura ligamenti teretis hepatis
75117 | 2691 | tax |
umbilical fissure
fissura umbilicalis
75118 | 2692 | tax |
main portal fissure
fissura portalis principalis
75119 | 2693 | tax |
right portal fissure
fissura portalis dextra
2690 | tax |
hepatic segmentation P3 34 children
segmentatio hepatis
13361 | 11169 | tax |
lobes of liver
lobi hepatis
15810 | 2694 | tax |
left part of liver; left liver
pars hepatis sinistra ; lobus sinister hepatis
76894 | 2695 | tax |
left lateral subdivision
divisio lateralis sinistra
15739 | 2696 | tax |
left lateral posterior segment ; segment II
segmentum posterius laterale sinistrum ; segmentum II
15741 | 2697 | tax |
left lateral anterior segment ; segment III
segmentum anterius laterale sinistrum ; segmentum III
2685 |
fibrous appendix of liver
appendix fibrosa hepatis
76895 | 2698 | tax |
left medial subdivision
divisio medialis sinistra
15742 | 2699 | tax |
left medial segment ; segment IV
segmentum mediale sinistrum ; segmentum IV
13365 | 2700 | tax |
posterior part of liver; posterior liver; caudate lobe
pars hepatis posterior ; lobus caudatus
15751 | 2701 | tax |
posterior segment ; segment I
segmentum posterius ; segmentum I
2688 |
papillary process
processus papillaris
2689 |
caudate process
processus caudatus
13364 | 2686 | tax |
quadrate lobe
lobus quadratus
15809 | 2702 | tax |
right part of liver; right liver
pars hepatis dextra ; lobus dexter hepatis
76896 | 2703 | tax |
right medial subdivision
divisio medialis dextra
15743 | 2704 | tax |
right medial anterior segment ; segment V
segmentum anterius mediale dextrum ; segmentum V
15746 | 2705 | tax |
right medial posterior segment ; segment VIII
segmentum posterius mediale dextrum ; segmentum VIII
76897 | 2706 | tax |
right lateral subdivision
divisio lateralis dextra
15744 | 2707 | tax |
right lateral anterior segment ; segment VI
segmentum anterius laterale dextrum ; segmentum VI
15745 | 2708 | tax |
right lateral posterior segment ; segment VII
segmentum posterius laterale dextrum ; segmentum VII
11149↓ | tax |
accessory lobe of liver
lobus accessorius hepatis
15678 | tax |
anterior segments
segmenta anteriora
15679 | tax |
posterior segments
segmenta posteriora
14655 | 18131 | tax |
layers of liver P4 4 children
laminae hepatis
15811 | 2709 | tax |
serosa; serous coat
tunica serosa
15812 | 2710 | tax |
subserosa; subserous layer
tela subserosa
15813 | 2711 | tax |
fibrous capsule; fibrous layer
tunica fibrosa
14472 | 2712 | tax |
perivascular fibrous capsule
capsula fibrosa perivascularis
14495 | 2713 | tax |
lobules of liver ; hepatic lobules
lobuli hepatis
11150↓ | tax |
portal tract ; interlobar tract
tractus portalis ; trias portalis interlobaris; trias hepatica
17546 | 2714 | tax |
interlobular arteries
arteriae interlobulares
17548 | 2715 | tax |
interlobular veins
venae interlobulares
68016 | 2717 | tax |
interlobular bile ducts
ductus biliferi interlobulares
17544 | 2716 | tax |
central veins
venae centrales
14668 | 2718 | tax |
common hepatic duct P3 8 children
ductus hepaticus communis
14669 | 2719 | tax |
right hepatic duct
ductus hepaticus dexter
76898 | 2720 | tax |
anterior branch
ramus anterior
76899 | 2721 | tax |
posterior branch
ramus posterior
14670 | 2722 | tax |
left hepatic duct
ductus hepaticus sinister
76900 | 2723 | tax |
lateral branch
ramus lateralis
76901 | 2724 | tax |
medial branch
ramus medialis
76902 | 2725 | tax |
right duct of caudate lobe
ductus lobi caudati dexter
76903 | 2726 | tax |
left duct of caudate lobe
ductus lobi caudati sinister
77 lines
70.1 %
87.0 %
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
4426 |
This is the ligament of the left superior vena cava, rather than simply the vena cava.
11139 |
On the visceral surface of the liver two perpendicular depressions are found, the fissura sagittalis dextra and sinistra. They are connected by the porta hepatis, forming an H-like figure.
11141 |
See note # 11139
11149 |
An accessory lobe of Riedel may be present as part of the right lobe of the liver. Musil et al. (2019 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 19:1-13) suggested the term Processus appendicularis hepatis.
11150 |
The term Tractus portalis was introduced in TA2 for the entrance of the interlobular arteries, veins and bile ducts.
Signature |
Type of list | P2F |
List Unit Identifier | 2658 |
Sublist 1 | 2690 segmentatio hepatis 34/35 on 20.12.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 2718 ductus hepaticus communis 8/9 on 19.12.2024 |
Subtotals | subchildren 42 subunits 44 |
Proper children | 34 |
Number of children | 76 (validated) |
Proper units | 33 |
Number of units | 77 (validated) |
Signature | 4669 (validated since 20.12.2024) |
Date: 21.12.2024 |